The first JOOP! collection was presented in 1979 by Wolfgang Joop in New York City.
Today the brand is based in Kreuzlingen in Switzerland and encompasses premium products covering fashion, jewellery, eyewear, furniture and living.
JOOP! Is the successful lifestyle brand with German roots and international renown. The product portfolio spans premium menswear and womenswear and is aimed at confident and stylish men and women with a strong interest in fashion and design.
The JOOP! and JOOP! JEANS collections impress with their innovative designs and high – quality fabrics and finishes.
JOOP! Stands for self – evident sexiness and celebrates status and confidence.
As a brand, JOOP! is equal to the challenges of our times and is continually working to improve its sustainability. With the motto ‘sustainably sexy’, it has set itself concrete, ambitious sustainability targets and has already started to implement on-going change processes that will continue to turn into reality over time.
AW24 Magazine.
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